We hope you're sitting down for this!
This ashtray is possibly one of the most important inventions of our time. One of the biggest problems with smoking is the smell and no matter how much air freshener we use it always smells like a wet dog. We have the solution! We couldn't even contemplate this when we saw it but it soon turned us all into believers.
The metal disk in the base reacts with a small amount of water to eliminate any smells in the area and particularly the ashtray above. Once you have finished (whatever you're smoking) put it out using the volcano (which is just a fantastic invention on its own) and in a very short time (2-5 minutes) you will smell nothing... no, we mean nothing! It completely eradicates any smell and you'll spend the rest of your day doubting your sense of smell.
The volcano is a cylinder which will suffocate your 'cigarette' as soon as you put it in. You'll look at it for a bit, waiting for something to happen... but it won't, it's out instantly!
Smell is generated by the combination of the molecules of different substances to create different smells, for example:
Hydrogen + Sulphur = Stink bomb
Smellkiller acts like a catalyst to separate the different molecules in the air and thereby neutralizing and eliminating the smell. For this, Smellkiller must be in contact with both water and air.
Stink bomb + Smellkiller + Water = No smell!
Title |
Smell ashtray | killer |