Flow are known for creating stuff that is a little different and this cylinder bong is definitely not your average water pipe. It's base is coated in black apart from a small ring around the bottom. The bong joint is a massive 29.2mm which means that the 18.8mm downstem joint doesn't have to reduce it's inner daimeter to fit and so you get almost no restriction. After passing through the diffuser slots in the bottom of the downstem the smoke has to climb it's way through the 8-Arm Tree perc which has further diffuser slots at the end of each tre branch. Above this there are three rounded ice notches which mean you can go for the glacier feeling if you want to be even more chilled. The neck is coated in white to contrast nicely with the black base and perc accents. They also include an 18.8mm male bowl with black roll stop arm to fit the downstem.
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