
Dry Herb Pipes

We have a truly enormous selection of high quality dry herb pipes. You can choose from hand, spoon, or novelty pipes in a range of materials, including borosilicate glass, wood, soapstone, meerschaum,. . . Read More

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Proxy Bub

Proxy Bub

£149.00From £129.00
Deluxe Smoking System Bundle i420-m420

Deluxe Smoking System Bundle i420-m420

From £169.99
Deluxe Smoking System Bundle i420-m420The Incredibowl is a revolutionary smoking pipe that has transformed the way people smoke using a hand pipe.  Often imitated, but never bettered, the Incredibowl has...
Rok-It Bong

Rok-It Bong

This incredible Rok-It Bong just takes your breath away. Featuring a 14 port filtration system, which cools the smoke by splitting it into thousands of tiny bubbles. This is the...
m420 Deluxe Bundle

m420 Deluxe Bundle

Incredibowl m420 Deluxe BundleThe Incredibowl m420 is the ever-popular pocket sized version of the Cannabis Cup-winning Incredibowl i420 smoking pipe.The Incredibowl m420 has been painstakingly developed and perfected by the...
Deluxe Bundle M420 Black

Deluxe Bundle M420 Black

Incredibowl m420 Deluxe BundleThe Incredibowl m420 is the ever-popular pocket sized version of the Cannabis Cup-winning Incredibowl i420 smoking pipe.The Incredibowl m420 has been painstakingly developed and perfected by the...
Incredibowl Smoking System i420

Incredibowl Smoking System i420

Incredibowl i420The Incredibowl Pipe is the product of countless hours of design, testing, research and development. Featuring a borosilicate glass bowl so you only taste what you are smoking rather...

5.5" Jane West™ Upright Bubbler

This little pocket bubbler from Grav Labs looks awesome in the Jane West signature Cobalt Blue finish. With it's fixed slotted down stem it gives perfect cooling each and every...
Prometheus Titan

Prometheus Titan

Prometheus TitanThis huge Prometheus Titan pipe from PypTek is the granddaddy of all smoking devices. The balanced design and sheer weight of the unit are nothing to mess with. It...
brand Genius Pipe

brand Genius Pipe

When they design their products, Genius conform to the principles of Zen design. They want their products in your hands as you enter a higher state of mind. Mindfulness, they...